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All Recipes Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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(based on 9 reviews)

Category: Online Recipe Websites (AKA Cooking Websites)
Website: http://allrecipes.com

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Average User Rating:
(1.7 Stars) based on 9 reviews

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7 Reviews

Only 11% of Users Recommend it

PAGE 1: Displaying Reviews 1 - 7 of 7
From great to horrible!
11 March 2021
Reviewer: Frustrated User from Southern California

45 of 82 people found this review helpful

I'm an amateur cook that looks for easy, proven recipes to make for my family. My review is written form tis perspective.

This website used to be a great and one I highly recommended to fiends. Unfortunately, updates over the past few years have made it frustratingly difficult to use - to the point where I (sadly!) will no longer use or recommend it.

Here are some reasons why:

1. The ability to search for recipes and sort by "User Ratings" or "# of reviews" was very helpful. This feature is now gone.

2. A search returns many erroneous results. For example, a search for "Bean Soup" or "Beef Stew" returns a long list of results many of which have nothing to so with the search term ... or may have one erroneous ingredient that contains "Beef" or "Beans".

3. I used to save and categorize my favorite recipes in a simple "Windows Explorer" folder-structure type interface. While it may not have been elegant, it was very user friendly. With their move to photo-like interface several years ago, I now have to scroll through pages upon pages to find anything useful... plus they have done away with hat was... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would not recommend All Recipes to a friend.

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One of the worst websites
27 August 2018
Reviewer: Macedonia from Macedonia

62 of 128 people found this review helpful

This website must have the worst customer support (after Dell). I decided to delete my account, since I'm no longer using the website, but there is no option to do that anywhere in the site settings. I wrote a couple of times to their customer support, but I didn't get any response. I checked their Facebook page and saw a lot of complaints from other customers, which were also not responded to. Obviously they ignore customer requests and don't care much about users' privacy.

Also, the website and their iOS apps are outdated and ridicolous.

In summary, I would not recommend All Recipes to a friend.

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Double Billed For Pro...can't get answers
23 June 2016
Reviewer: Tk1964 from Ohio

134 of 266 people found this review helpful

We have no problem with the site or the recipes etc. Our problem is we have been double billed for Pro level and cannot get any help from the phone numbers. Can only leave messages stating the problem and asking for a call back to resolve. Been going on for weeks now. Nobody calls back and nobody helps. Very unprofessional.

In summary, I would not recommend All Recipes to a friend.

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Editorial Review/Rating is out of date
29 January 2016
Reviewer: Momster from Vashon, WA

165 of 302 people found this review helpful

I have been using AllRecipes for about five years. Before the recent format change to a "Pinterest" style website, it was the best tool out there for serious cooks. It allowed you to search for recipes, save them as "favorites," enter personal recipes, plan menus, and make a shopping list for the week, and print it before going to the market. All of these functions were seamless.

The recent changes have made it awkward at best and infuriating at worst to use the site. Recipes load slowly, pages have to be frequently re-loaded, and the linkages between the various pieces don't work well at all. It is now impossible to print a shopping list; the shopping list does not allow for deletion of recipes for the prior week (instead, the user must go through the list and manually delete items not needed for the current menu); and it is not easy to figure out the simplest functions such as saving a personal recipe to a particular folder after it's been entered.

While I have complained directly to AllRecipes about the new format and pointed out the user-friendly features from the old that need to be returned, I have no hope... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would not recommend All Recipes to a friend.

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Hate the new format.
06 December 2015
Reviewer: Suzie from USA

128 of 274 people found this review helpful

Allrecipes used to be great and easy to use. The value was in being able to sort by ratings, ingredients, etc. and easily see how others rated or tweeked recipes. Now it's terrible and useless. I've stopped using it altogether.

In summary, I would not recommend All Recipes to a friend.

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USED to be the best!
04 October 2015
Reviewer: Rhondah from St. Louis, MO

124 of 274 people found this review helpful

Have been a member for quite a few years, even paid for PRO membership. The recent Pinterest type so-called "upgrade" is HORRIBLE. I USE Pinterest....I don't need another. Now, there is no mention of PRO (ie, how long we've paid for, even if there IS still a PRO membership because all of the great extra features that came with it seem to have disappeared) and it is just a jumbled up mess where you can't find a decent recipe....recipes that have NOTHING at all to do with what you searched for are mixed in with what you are looking for and there seems to be no rhyme or reason for how it searches. No "list" feature anymore to give you a simple uncluttered list of the recipes you search for instead it is a jumble of pictures and videos that take FOREVER to load (and I have super fast DSL and a new touch screen laptop....so I know it's not me). It is just horrid....as people on the message boards constantly complain about but it is falling on deaf ears. Even complaining directly to AllRecipes gets no replies or a simple "sorry you aren't happy"... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would not recommend All Recipes to a friend.

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New Site is Terrible
01 September 2015
Reviewer: Jan S from SE Colorado

147 of 290 people found this review helpful

I've been a daily AllRecipes user for about 15 years, Unfortunatly, when I logged on this morning, the entire format changed into a stupid "pinterist style" mess. Gone is the easy, straightforward search. It's nothing but an ugly mish-mash of pictures. They totally jacked up my Recipe Box with has over 1000 recipes, of which many were weblinks and articles. I originally came to this site to find a new recipe site, but I couldn't resist leaving a review for AR.

In summary, I would not recommend All Recipes to a friend.

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